Aiko Sato

There’s Someone Watching

There’s Someone Watching

Azusa the wife, Otaro the husband, and their only daughter Suzu. They live in a little public dwelling in Tokyo. They’re a fairly ordinary ...
The Promise to the Chura Sea

The Promise to the Chura Sea

The 64th NHK Asadora Renzoku Drama is Churasan, a story of a young woman, Kohagura Eri, who was born in Kohamajima Island, Okinawa on May 15, ...


Apr. 18, 1998


Itazura na Kiss

Itazura na Kiss

Oct. 14, 1996

Itazura na Kiss

Late for a meeting, Kotoko was running along the corridor in school and bumped into Naoki, their lips meeting. Naoki showed his disgust, but ...