Karnklao Duaysienklao

Crown Wing

Crown Wing

May. 26, 2014

Crown Wing

Nat Jersey arrived early this time and he sat at the large immaculate table in the dining room alone, then moment came when the dearest Countess ...
Thida Paya Yom

Thida Paya Yom

Sep. 21, 2013

Thida Paya Yom

Thep Oma is the evil thep and Thep Akara (Kwan dad) was given the task by ‘Jao Sawan’ (heaven owner?) to catch Thep Oma and put him in the ...
Two Worlds

Two Worlds

Aug. 01, 2011

Two Worlds

Tawee Pope is famous. It is many people’s favorite lakorn. Every ‘older’ avid lakorn watcher knows of it. A present-day modernist nang’ek ...